Some Tips

1. Some people say that the degree should not be matched too deeply, otherwise it will become deeper and deeper when worn?
This statement is incorrect. If the degree is not enough, the patient will squint when looking far, causing the ciliary muscle to contract (to be adjusted), leading to eye fatigue, which in turn makes the degree more likely to deepen.

2. Will I not experience presbyopia in the future? (Currently nearsighted)
Presbyopia is a physiological phenomenon that everyone knows. This is because as age increases, the function of the ciliary muscle decreases, making it difficult to see closely (especially reading and writing), hence it is called presbyopia. However, people with myopia or good eyesight should be hesitant about presbyopia. If the degree of nearsightedness is shallow, it can compete with presbyopia, so when looking up, remove the reduced degree of height, and it can remain the same when looking far.

3. Should I wear glasses regularly after they are paired?
Generally, if the viewing angle is around -1.00-2.00 degrees, it is not necessary to wear it frequently when looking up, which will not aggravate eye adjustment. Reading without wearing it will not deepen, but if it exceeds -3.00DS, it is necessary to wear it frequently whether looking up or far. If not wearing it, the object will become blurred and the adjustment will deepen, leading to increased fatigue.

4. Why do some people feel dizzy when wearing sunglasses with larger curvature?
Some people have this situation mainly due to their sensitive eyes and the large curvature of the lenses. After assembly, there may be a certain prism effect, resulting in dizziness.

5. Why are the new glasses uncomfortable to wear at the beginning?
There are many reasons: A. The degree may vary. B. The angle has changed, and old glasses have become a bad habit due to deformation and damage. They need to adapt to the correct angle when worn for a long time. C. The old glasses have blurred lenses and objects due to wear and tear, while the new glasses suddenly feel much brighter due to clarity, causing visual impact and discomfort.

6. I have cataracts, can I get glasses?
First, you need to determine whether you are in the early, middle, or late stages? If it is in the early stage, most glasses have good effects, but if it is in the middle or late stage, the effect is not significant. It is recommended to wear glasses three months after surgery.

7. Do children have pseudomyopia? What is pseudomyopia?
It cannot be entirely said that the so-called pseudomyopia is due to continuous contraction of the ciliary muscle. Overregulation can cause regulatory spasms, enhance refractive power of the eyes, and lead to myopia in both eyes, resulting in decreased vision. The phenomenon of visual fatigue can be restored to normal as long as you relax and adjust, look far away more, and exercise more.

8. Is it better to use an incandescent lamp or a fluorescent lamp when children read and write?
In principle, it is better to use an incandescent lamp. A small desk lamp with a wattage between 25W-40W should be used, and the light should be directed from the front to the left, not directly into the eyes. Fluorescent lamps have unstable lighting.

9. Are reading glasses getting deeper and deeper as you wear them?
It cannot be said that without wearing reading glasses, it will become deeper and deeper. This is a physiological phenomenon and a manifestation of our decreased regulatory function, which is the same for everyone.